Thursday, October 1, 2009

Life with twins would be impossible without support

Life with toddlers, especially twins would be close to impossible without support and help from others. I have been quite fortunate to be abundantly blessed in this area.

First, I have been blessed with an amazing husband, who is a wonderful father to his boys. He is willing to do anything and everything to take care of his sons and help me out, and he frequently does. Fortunately for all of us, he has the neat gene, which I do not possess. Left to my own devices, I would live in a constant state of slightly organized chaos. With toddler-aged twins that state really does not work well at all. They create enough chaos of their own and don't need any help from their mother in that department. My husband is also very good at keeping me sane when I would have a tendency to lose my mind. He is great about giving me a break from the insanity when things have been crazy all day even when he has been dealing with his own insanity at work all day. I truly cannot imagine a better husband and father.

Second, I have been blessed with the most loving and supportive family I know. They are always willing to help us out no matter what we need. My mother is always there to babysit when I need to run an errand or go to an appointment even when it is short notice. She is also great about picking up items at the store for me when I didn't realize we were so low on them. My parents are a lifesaver when my husband and I just need to get away for the day or just need a whole night to ourselves. They buy things the boys need or things they just think they should have...clothes, shoes, toys, sheets. My in-laws, although they live out of town, want to do everything they can for their grandbabies. My aunt and uncle have been tremendous help. They have in one way or another supplied us with almost all of our baby furniture ( and an entertainment center designed to keep the little ones away from the electronics they so love playing with). They built one of their cribs (the other we borrowed from another aunt and uncle) and two matching chest of drawers, so each boy will have his own when he is older. One chest was built to be converted into a changing table for as long as it is needed, and both chests will have bookcases built on top when the changing table is no longer necessary. My aunt and uncle bought their highchairs for their 1st birthday. After finding out it would be much more expensive to build their big boy beds than to purchase them, my aunt and uncle bought their bed as well.

Besides all the other things my husband and family have done, they have provided so much emotional support, which has been greatly needed on some days. They help me through the challenging days and are there for me to share the joyful days. They have all made it possible to raise these boys and to be a much better mother than I could have been otherwise. I don't think it is possible to have a better network of support than I have from my husband and family!

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