Friday, October 2, 2009

No Power

I didn't quite realize what a crutch cartoons had become in entertaining the little ones to sleep until the power went out at 3 this morning. I woke up to a loud pop as the storm blew the transformer, and then the power going out followed by crying from the nursery where there should have been two sleeping toddlers. We found the flashlight and went to check on the munchkins. I set the flashlight on their dresser so it would shine on the ceiling. They were enthralled with it. One of the things I love about children their age is how everything completely fascinates them! When they wake up during the middle of the night, the usual plan of action is to turn on some cartoons, usually Pink Panther (lots of music, very little talking), to entertain them until they fall back to sleep. This almost always works like a charm, but no power means no cartoons...not good. We changed diapers, put them back in their cribs, and brought them some milk, which they chugged down. Fortunately we have a battery-powered light in the nursery, which we left on for them (they are not fans of complete darkness), and 15-30 minutes of half-hearted fussing later we finally had a couple of sleeping toddlers.

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